The Sports Room

Will de-recognise dormant sports associations: MSOA

Shillong, Mar 12: The Meghalaya State Olympic Association issued a strong warning to sports associations affiliated to it but which are non-functioning, threatening to de-recognise them.

Speaking on the sidelines of the 19th Meghalaya State Level Wushu Championship here yesterday, MSOA General Secretary Finely Pariat (pictured second left) said it wasn’t right for non-functioning sports associations to ask for financial support when they don’t conduct events in the state or send athletes to compete in competitions outside Meghalaya.

On Thursday, Sports & Youth Affairs Minister Banteidor Lyngdoh said in the Assembly that grants-in-aid for 29 sports associations amounting to Rs 1 crore have been approved by his department.

Pariat named the judo, fencing, hockey, softball and equestrian associations as some of the non-functioning ones.

“If sports associations do not work diligently to uplift the youth, the MSOA has the right to de-recognise them,” Pariat said.

If Meghalaya is to host the delayed 39th National Games at some point in the future, it will actually need more sports associations than it has at present to cover all the disciplines at the mega-event, but the MSOA wants them to be more than in name alone.

(Photo contributed)

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