The Sports Room

2 Meghalaya climbers to take part in national championship

Shillong, Dec 19: Dadapbiang Lyngdoh and Bhabok Nongkhlaw will represent the Meghalaya Sports Climbing and Mountaineering Association at the 27th Indian Mountaineering Foundation National Climbing Championship in Bangalore.

The two youngsters were selected through their participation in the recent North East Zonal Sport Climbing Championship in Sikkim where Dadapbiang won a gold and Bhabok a bronze.

The event will run from 21st to 24th December. Experienced climber Wallambok Lyngdoh will accompany the pair while Kayleigh Petra Nongkynrih will officiate at the championship as a route judge.

This competition is being organised by the IMF and the General Thimmayya National Academy of Adventure.

The event will feature the top three medalists from the senior, junior and sub-junior categories who will represent the seven zones of the country – North Zone, West Zone, South Zone, East Zone, North East Zone, Services Zone and Police Zone.

In a press release today, MeSCMA thanked the Department of Sports & Youth Affairs for its financial assistance and the Commandant of 58 Gorkha Training Centre for allowing the Meghalaya climbers to use its climbing wall for practice.

(Meghalaya Sports Climbing and Mountaineering Association photo)

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