Shillong, Jul 10: The Meghalaya State Olympic Association, in partnership with the Directorate of Sports & Youth Affairs, has launched a state talent identification drive, implemented by Edge10, an international company focused on data for health, performance and physical testing of athletes.

The programme began in Mawkyrwat yesterday and will continue until 28th July. It is being supervised by Australian former Olympian Ian Campbell and coach Alistair Tait.

Four physical tests are being conducted – 20m sprint, 10m ladder run, compass drill and vertical jump on calibrated digital mats.

All the tests are digitally calibrated to provide accurate, objective results, the MSOA’s Dipshon Ryntathiang said today via a press release.

After all the tests are conducted in the 12 districts of Meghalaya, Edge10 will submit an analysis report to the MSOA and Directorate within two weeks, indicating the names of the performers with highest potential.

Based on these outcomes, the MSOA and state government will consider placing the top 400 or 500 athletes in the Edge10 “Elite Pathway Program”, with the best of the best of these – 10 or 20 – provided scholarships or support for coaching and training under world class coaches and overseas academies.

(Meghalaya State Olympic Association photo)

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