Shillong, Mar 11: The Riwar Mihngi Football Association held its election for new office bearers for the 2024-27 period on Saturday at Urksew Wahpathaw.

Two election observers from the Meghalaya Football Association – Sunesh Syiem and Dipshon Ryntathiang – were present along with representatives of 16 affiliated sports clubs.

Iengskhem Diengdoh was elected President, Largest Laso Vice-President, A Dapborlang Kharbudon General Secretary, Kitdor Khongsdam Assistant General Secretary and Aimusing Khongjee Finance Secretary.

It was also announced at the meeting that the final of the local Senior Men’s League 2023 will take place on 16th March at 2PM between Pynursla United Youth Club and Lapalang SC at the UUP Stadium in Urksew.

(Photo contributed)

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