Shillong, Jul 24: The Meghalaya State Olympic Association has condoled the death of Thomas Patrick Nongrum, a longstanding figure in the sports scene in the state who passed away on Thursday.

MSOA members held a one minute’s silence at a gathering online (due to the coronavirus pandemic) in Nongrum’s memory today.

In a message, the Meghalaya State Hockey Association noted that he was the only qualified hockey coach in the state and popularised the sport in the 1980s by conducting coaching camps. Nongrum was the first President of the MSHA, which was formed in 1995, and he was the association’s Adviser from 2011 until his passing.

“We cannot forget his noble contribution and our long association with him in sports and in a number of community-related works in the society, especially the uplifting of the youth in sports and the people as a whole,” MSOA Working President John F Kharshiing said of Nongrum. “We remember him as a solid rock and a person of integrity who instilled confidence in the many youths who looked up to him as a role model.”

Kharshiing also recalled his personal connection to the deceased, saying, “I fondly recall my association with the late bah Patrick, a man of integrity who we could rely on. During my work as treasurer of the dorbar dong main & Upland Road, as President of the Seng Samla Laitumkhrah and during my tenure as General Secretary of the Laitumkhrah Sports Social and Cultural Club he was a wonderful pillar of strength in all our endeavours.”

The MSOA and MSHA both conveyed their condolences to the bereaved family members. Nongrum is survived by his wife, Jacinta Nongrum, and their three children. His funeral service will be held at the family residence in Lower New Colony and the funeral will be at the Catholic Cemetery in Laitumkhrah at 2PM on Saturday.

(Photo: Facebook/Patrick Nongrum)

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