Shillong, Jun 25: Kmoin Wahlang, the long distance septuagenarian superstar from Meghalaya who has captured hearts and inspired numerous people, has been invited to be part of the Indian athletics team for the 13th Pan Pacific Masters Games 2024, which will take place in Gold Coast, Australia in November.

Anyone who follows TSR will have seen Wahlang’s name pop up numerous times over the years (search the website to refresh your memory) with her marathon exploits in Meghalaya, Mumbai, Kolkata, Guwahati and beyond being hugely impressive.

In a letter from the Pan India Masters Games Federation, Wahlang was told that she was invited to join the Indian team based on her performance at an event earlier this year in Hyderabad.

She was thus selected to be part of the 75-plus age category to represent India at the 1st to 10th November event in Queensland.

Speaking today, Wahlang said that she will need a lot of support from the public and government to get to Australia but will definitely look to bring back a gold medal if she gets there.

(Kmoin Wahlang running in the Shillong 10K Run on 22nd June)

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