Shillong, Apr 23: Today marked the opening of the Shillong Sports Association’s transfer window for the upcoming football season.

Eleven transfers were made on the first day, with some of the big names including Ronnie Nongbri, who has made the switch from Langsning to Malki. Poibiang Pohshna and Eborlang Nongtdu, meanwhile, have been released by Langsning, who are currently involved in the Second Division League, the qualifying tournament for the I-League. These three were included in Langsning’s Second Division squad but weren’t fielded much in the opening few games.

Nongtdu is known to have headed over to Laban.

Langsning have signed up Kitboklang Pale, Kynsaibor Lhuid and Donborlang Nongkynrih, who were previously on loan at the club and have been vital players in the Second Division campaign. Pale and Lhuid join from Laban, while Nongkynrih was formerly at Shillong United. The Shillong Premier League champions have also signed Cameo Lamare.

Meanwhile, Laban picked another five players today – Pynshongdor Shadap, Victor Shadap, Leonardo Laloo, Hauni Dkhar and Eijingmut Lyngdoh.

The transfer window closes next Monday.

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