Shillong, Jun 8: The Meghalaya Cricket Association distributed raincoats and gloves to civic workers of the Shillong Municipal Board, Jowai Municipal Board and Nongpoh Municipal and Town Committee today as part of its Covid Aid initiative.

Similar materials will also be sent to other municipalities in the state through the district associations affiliated with the MCA, Honorary Secretary Gideon Kharkongor (pictured far right) said through a press release.

Covid Aid’s motto is ‘We serve beyond boundaries’ and, through it, the MCA has been assisting district and community isolation or corona centres, frontline workers and the needy. It had also provided help during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic last year.

Under the ongoing project, the MCA has procured oxygen cylinders for Nongpoh Civil Hospital, Shillong’s Dr H Gordon Roberts Hospital and Jowai’s Maternal and Child Health Hospital. The association also provided materials like camp cots, mattresses and blankets to community corona centres in Mawlai Mawroh, Nongpoh, Umsning, Byrnihat, Patharkhmat, Gorkha School, Mylliem, Sohra and Lawsohtun. The BCCI has also announced that it will help obtain 2,000 oxygen concentrators to be shared out among the states.

At a programme in Shillong today, Kharkongor said that the MCA, after receiving direction from the BCCI, came up with a policy to help those in most need directly after taking stock of the situation in a meeting and noticing that many districts were ill-prepared for how badly the second wave would strike.

Others present were Ri-Bhoi District Cricket Association President Rayonald Kharkamni, MCA Treasurer Dhrubajyoti Thakuria, SMB Executive Engineer FB Chyne and others.

(Meghalaya Cricket Association photo)

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